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About Dr. Kabilan Chanakya

Dr.M.Kabilan is a Master Clinical Hypnotherapist, Spiritual & Meditation Coach, Personal Growth Trainer and a Quantum Physics activist. He does counseling and hypnotherapy for various psychological problems like fear, phobia, stress, anxiety, depression, addiction, etc.

Through his personalised spiritual coaching, he has guided many spiritual seekers to find the right path, to overcome their blocks and progress in their spiritual life.

For nearly 20 years he is teaching meditation to lots of people, helped hundred of meditators to overcome their challenges in meditation and made them to meditate regularly. Based on his experience in this he has developed a unique meditation coaching program.

Dr.Kabilan’s fields of Research

Here are some of the major research fields that Dr. Kabilan has conducted research on.





Quantum physics

Extra Sensory Perception


Parapsychology & Paranormal Activities


The Law of Attraction



Dr.Kabilan's Learnings

Dr. Kabilan has dedicated the past 25 years to acquiring a vast array of knowledge and skills from various masters. His expertise spans a diverse range of arts and practices, each contributing to his holistic understanding of the mind, body, and spirit.Dr. Kabilan’s expertise and experience make him a well-rounded practitioner with a comprehensive toolkit for promoting well-being and personal growth.

Learn and know more about his learnings 

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and documents

Unleash Your Inner Potential: Experience the Magic of Hypnosis Today!
Are you ready to unlock the door to your true potential? Imagine tapping into the hidden depths of your mind,…
Hypnotherapy for Health, Savings, and Transformation
Are you seeking a powerful and cost-effective solution for enhancing your well-being? Look no further than hypnotherapy – the gateway…
Master Your Mind, Transform Your Life: The Art of Hypnotherapy Revealed
Are you ready to take control of your life and create positive, lasting change? Enter the world of hypnotherapy, where…

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Hypnosis is a state of deep relaxation, concentration, and heightened responsiveness to suggestion. In this way, the hypnotist guides the individual into this trance state, allowing them to experience changes in consciousness and behavior. Hypnosis is often used for therapeutic purposes, such as overcoming anxiety, managing stress, and smoking cessation, but be aware that hypnosis requires voluntary cooperation and cannot be done against a person’s will is important.



Mesmerism is an ancient practice that uses the power of the mind to induce a state of deep relaxation, heightened awareness, and therapeutic healing. In the 18th century, mesmerism used these subtle techniques to tap into the subconscious mind and unlock the hidden potential of mind. This captivating art helps individuals discover their inner strength, unleash untapped creativity, and overcome personal challenges by harnessing the mind-body connection. Enter the realm of enchantment and unlock the untapped potential and hidden treasures of your heart.




Meditation is the practice of focusing the mind on achieving a state of calm and peace. By sitting quietly and focusing on your breath, words, and objects, you can quiet your thoughts and find inner stillness. Regular meditation reduces stress, improves focus, and promotes well-being. This is a personal practice and there are many different techniques to explore such as mindfulness and guided meditation. Just a few minutes of meditation each day can have a positive impact on your mental and emotional health.



Philosophy studies fundamental questions about the nature of reality, knowledge, being, ethics, and human understanding. Its purpose is to examine and understand concepts such as truth, reason, morality, and the meaning of life. Philosophers use logical reasoning and critical thinking to consider these questions and develop different theories and perspectives. Philosophy covers a wide range of subjects including metaphysics (the nature of reality), epistemology (the study of knowledge), ethics (moral principles), logic (just thinking), and aesthetics (the nature of beauty and art). It invites deep thought and reflection on fundamental aspects of human existence and the world we live in.


Quantum Physics

Quantum physics is the branch of physics that deals with the behavior of matter and energy at the smallest scales, such as atoms and elementary particles. Describe the fundamental properties of particles, waves, and interactions in the quantum realm. In contrast to classical physics, which follows deterministic laws, quantum physics introduces uncertainty and stochastic behavior. Key principles of quantum physics include superposition, entanglement and wave-particle duality. Quantum mechanics has profound implications for our understanding of the universe, including quantum computing, quantum cryptography, and the interpretation of reality at the quantum level. It is a complex and fascinating area that continues to challenge our conventional notions of the nature of reality and existence.


Extra Sensory Perception

ESP (extrasensory perception) refers to the ability to perceive information through means other than our familiar senses such as sight, hearing, taste, touch and smell. It suggests an ability to gather information or perceive events beyond normal sensory perception. These include telepathy (mind-to-mind communication), clairvoyance (perception of distant or hidden objects and events), precognition (predicting future events), and telekinesis (affecting objects with the mind). ) and other abilities. Although controversial and scientifically unproven, some people claim to have or believe they have ESP.


Psychology is the scientific study of the human mind and behavior. Its purpose is to understand how people think, feel and act both individually and in groups. Psychologists use a variety of research methods and theories to investigate subjects such as personality, cognition, emotion, perception, development, and mental health. Her goal is to uncover the patterns, processes and factors that influence human behavior and mental processes. Psychology is made up of various subfields such as clinical psychology, social psychology, cognitive psychology, and developmental psychology. Insights gleaned from research in psychology are applied in a variety of contexts, including therapy, education, business, and public policy, to improve individual well-being and broaden our understanding of human nature.


Parapsychology and Paranormal Activities

Parapsychology is the scientific study of paranormal phenomena and experiences that go beyond what is normally thought or explained by conventional science. Examine phenomena such as telepathy, clairvoyance, and telekinesis to understand their nature and possible explanations.
Paranormal phenomena refer to experiences and events that are outside the realm of what is considered normal or explainable by scientific understanding. This may include ghost sightings, ghost sightings, UFO sightings, and other unexplained phenomena.
Parapsychology studies these paranormal phenomena using rigorous scientific methods with the goal of exploring the potential for extrasensory abilities, consciousness, and realms beyond our current understanding. , trying to understand. It is a field that encourages open-minded inquiry while adopting a scientific approach to study and analyze these phenomena.



Neuroscience is the scientific study of the nervous system, which includes the brain, spinal cord, and nerves throughout the body. The goal is to understand how the nervous system functions, how it influences behavior and cognition, and how it is involved in various physiological processes. Neuroscientists combine techniques such as brain imaging, electrophysiology, and molecular biology to study the structure and function of neurons and neural networks. Topics include perception, learning, memory, emotions, and the development and treatment of neurological disorders. Neuroscience plays an important role in advancing our understanding of the brain and its complex workings, contributing to fields such as medicine, psychology and artificial intelligence.


Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction is the belief or concept that like attracts like. It assumes that positive or negative thoughts, feelings, and intentions can influence an individual’s life experiences and outcomes. According to this law, focusing on positive thoughts and feelings will bring positive events and opportunities, while holding on to negative thoughts can lead to negative consequences. The Law of Attraction is often associated with the idea that the universe responds to our energies and vibrations to bring into our lives what we are most focused on. It is a popular concept in the field of self-improvement and personal development, often used to encourage positive thinking and the practice of visualization and affirmation techniques in order to achieve desired goals and experiences.



NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) is a psychological approach that examines the connections between our thoughts, language and actions. This includes researching and modeling successful patterns of communication and behavior that help individuals achieve their goals and improve their effectiveness. NLP techniques aim to identify and reprogram thought and behavior patterns that may be limiting or unhelpful. It includes a variety of techniques such as visualization, reformulation, and language patterns to facilitate personal growth, improve communication skills, and change unproductive habits. NLP is commonly used in areas such as therapy, coaching, and self-improvement to foster positive change and help individuals reach their full potential.



Ashtamasiddhis, also known as the Eight Divine Powers, are a concept in Hindu and yogic philosophy that represents extraordinary abilities or achievements achieved through advanced spiritual practice and deep meditation. The term “Ashtamasiddhis” is derived from two words: “Ashta,” meaning eight, and “Siddhi,” referring to supernatural or extraordinary powers These powers are believed to be the result of thorough mental discipline and mastery of the mind and body.
The eight Ashtama Siddhis include:

Anima: The ability to become incredibly small or even microscopic, almost becoming invisible.

Mahima: The power to become immensely large, expanding one’s physical size.

Garima: The capacity to increase one’s weight or density, becoming incredibly heavy.

Laghima: The power to become incredibly light, as light as a feather or even weightless.

Prapti: The ability to manifest or acquire any desired object or thing at will.

Prakamya: The power to fulfill any desire or wish instantly.

Ishita: The capacity to control or manipulate the forces of nature, such as the elements.

Vashita: The power to control and influence other living beings, including animals and humans.

These siddhis are not considered as the ultimate goal of spiritual practice but are seen as natural byproducts of profound spiritual awakening and enlightenment. They are viewed as tools to assist individuals on their spiritual path and in serving others.

It is important to note that the attainment and use of Ashtamasiddhis require great spiritual maturity, selflessness, and ethical responsibility. They are not to be sought after for personal gain or egoic purposes, but rather to serve the greater good and aid in the journey towards self-realization.




Psychology is the scientific study of the human mind and behavior. Its purpose is to understand how people think, feel and act both individually and in groups. Psychologists use a variety of research methods and theories to investigate subjects such as personality, cognition, emotion, perception, development, and mental health. Her goal is to uncover the patterns, processes and factors that influence human behavior and mental processes. Psychology is made up of various subfields such as clinical psychology, social psychology, cognitive psychology, and developmental psychology. Insights gleaned from research in psychology are applied in a variety of contexts, including therapy, education, business, and public policy, to improve individual well-being and broaden our understanding of human nature.